Tuesday 10 May 2011

First blog...

This is my first blog to expose myself in this kind of eloquence... Some people treat this as nonsense and show off but yet it is a relief to find an outlet for you to utter what is in your mind... I am not good in writing and not that articulate in grammar, but I find it interesting and made myself diverted from negative aura.

I know from myself that we have a capability to do things in right for the first time and outshine on the field we have chosen but the mere fact there are lots of factors hindered in our path to success… but as they said, it is still our choice to continue our journey or not… even we will be stumbled for a million of times but we have to stand up and know in which part we failed.

Here is my story: I still remembered when I was in grade school I really love to paint and join any competition, i.e. poster making contest. Sometimes I will get an award but never the first… I know the way I mix the crayon colors is not sufficient for my art to convince the judges to pick my piece as the 1st placer. Funny to think, I have the chance to enhance my talent but I have no guts to be with the group… No encouragement from my family… hmmmp… talking about family and neighbors… Yes, I memorized detail by detail the way my family and neighbors treat me… I was the youngest amongst the siblings but treated as nothing… I felt the way they don’t like me… I was too ugly, purple color-skin and showered with all their scornful words. But still the show must go on… that’s why I pretend to be strong when I am in the outside world. Like, when in the school, I was tried to gain more knowledge and trying to excel in all my subjects. 

to be continued...